Full Service Pigeon Control 




Our Full Service Pigeon Control process 

Bird And Nest Removal 

We humanly remove any birds and nest's from your roof

Roof Cleaning And Feces Removal 

We do a full roof cleaning and remove any heavy feces buildup from the property 

Bird Spike Installation 

Professional installation of bird spikes to the Ridgeline, roof hips and any other high traffic problem area's

Eave Caging

Galvanized steel cage installation to keep the birds out of eaves 

Do I Need Bird Spikes And Eave Caging?

Pigeons can be an extreme nuisance, not only are they loud and annoying, they will leave heavy amounts of feces that will degrade your roof and property. Pigeon feces put your family at risk of illness from the numerous diseases they are known to carry.

A very effective way to fight against this pigeon issue is with properly placed and installed bird spikes and caging off your homes eaves. Our team of trained professionals will remove any birds and nest's on your roof, clean and sanitize your roof of any feces build up, install bird spikes and cage off your homes eaves to prevent the pigeons from coming back and degrading your property any further.


Solar Panel Pigeon Proofing 

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Solar Panel Cleaning 

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Professional Service 

We take pride in the work we do for our customers in the Las Vegas and Henderson area. We understand that roof service's can be hard to fully assess by a home owner that's why we always provide detailed before and after pictures of everything we do so you can see the job has been completed properly. Give us a call today for a free quote on professional bird spike installation

Licensed Bonded Insured

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